What You Should Expect From Studio 68 London:

* Free marketing on all our social media platforms.

*All classes and/or workshop will be paid through our booking system and advertised on our website.

* No VAT to pay when you hire our space.

* LA studio is located on the ground floor and fully accessible from street level measurements: L18m x W7.5m x H4.8, capacity: 25-100 dancers . NY studio is located on the first floor, accessible via one flight of stairs measurements: L9m x W5.5m x H5.5m capacity: 10-25 dancers

* Payment will be paid directly to your bank account on a monthly basis. Please make sure we have the correct and updated bank details.

* Classes will only be filmed occasionally by our production team for promotion purposes. You as the choreographer can also request to be filmed by our production team but to a cost of £50.00. The footage will be used during your time in the studio and also once you have left.

What We Expect From You:

* Please understand you are a FREELANCE and you are responsible for your taxes, you are not employed by Studio 68 London and we are not responsible for any government requirement for you to complete as a FREELANCER.

* You agree to pay a security deposit depending on the chosen studio (LA or NY) and class times (1 hour or 1 hour and 30 minutes) before the class begins. The purpose of the security deposit is to protect Studio 68 London in case you the Choreographer/Company fails to fulfil your obligations under the contract. You will be sent a payment link separately to make the payment. This deposit doesn't go towards studio hire for the next month. You will be required to pay full month rental fees.

* You agree to teacher for a minimum of 3 months. After this you can request to have a recurring teaching slot at the studio. If you decide to leave before the 3 months you will be charged for the remaining weeks or months.

* The studio is open from January - December 2025 and we expect you to be available for all your classes and/or workshop during the year.

* If you want to change this agreement to another agreement, you will be able to do this after 6 months only.

* If the class is cancelled due to low numbers, sickness or traveling issues due work abroad, the cancellation fee is £50. A cover teacher is always suggested to have to avoid any issues. If you get a cover teacher you are responsible for paying them as their are covering your class.

Code of Conduct:

As a choreographer at Studio 68 London, I am committed to adhering to this Code of Professional Conduct in all aspects of my professional activities. I understand it is my responsibility to adhere to the Code and that a breach of the Code might result in my suspension or removal from the Register.

* If a choreographer does leave the studio or gives a bad name in social media, the studio management and legal team will withheld their fees and penalize their behavior until further agreement.

* A choreographer has an obligation of giving 4 weeks in advance if they want to leave the studio placement as a choreographer, failing to do so, will also occur to hold their fees as this causes losses to the business and it is not under their agreement. It is important to keep a professional environment and deliver what the studio requires.

Professional Competence

* I am honest and open about my professional experience and qualifications and will not accept dance positions for which I know I am not sufficiently experienced, competent or qualified. I am also clear and realistic about the extent of my skills in relation to the work I do.

* I am committed to investing in my own continuing professional development, to ensure the relevance and quality of my practice and uphold the standards of the dance profession.

* I make sure I have adequate and appropriate insurance cover and professional licences in place to carry out my work such as DBS.

* I ensure I comply with all the statutory requirements for running a business, including registration of names, income tax, value added tax and other matters required by law.

* I aim to behave with integrity in all professional and business relationships, practising honesty, fairly, objectively, consistently, and with courtesy and consideration.

* I am punctual and arrive for work on time (if there is an issue, I also inform relevant parties in good time).

* I ensure anyone who covers my class in my absence has the appropriate levels of competence to run the session effectively, and is adequately informed about the purpose of the session and also agrees to this Code of Conduct.

* I ensure that my appearance and behaviour are suitable for the context I am working in, presenting myself and Studio 68 London in a positive light, treating those I work with, with respect; doing what I say I will do; and taking responsibility for my own actions.

* I ensure that I will be of sound and sober mind when I come to teach. I will not smoke any weed during or after the classes while inside or outside the premises. I will not do this during open and/or closed hours.

* I understand that alcohol, drugs and/or weed are not permitted anywhere inside or outside the premises.

Maintaining Safe Working Practice

* I work within the required health and safety legislation and maintain an up-to-date understanding of my professional responsibilities and liability in relation to the work I do.

* I make sure the dance activities I lead are in line with current good practice and safe dance practice guidelines.

* I understand I have a responsibility to act in the best interests of students/participants’ physical and mental well-being, and believe that every student/participant has a right to an environment which provides for their physical and personal safety.

* I maintain an up-to-date health and safety policy.

* I understand my legal obligations when working with children or vulnerable adults and ensure I have a relevant DBS in place (when working with these groups) and have read and understood Studio 68 London's Safeguarding Policy.

* I familiarise myself with the procedures and protocols of Studio 68 London.

* I undertake risk assessments for all dance sessions and manage risks accordingly.

* I ensure nothing in my control is of detriment to participants’ health, safety and well-being.

* I ensure that any accidents/incidents which occur are recorded and reported as appropriate and in accordance with a Studio 68 London’s protocol.

* I make sure students/participants are aware of their own personal responsibilities in terms of their welfare and safety.

* I am aware of and able to take responsibility for my own wellbeing, and support participants to take responsibility for their behaviour and relationships with others.

Working with People

* I am committed to the principles of equal opportunities and human rights, and believe everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and recognised as an independent and equal human being.

* I make sure nothing I do discriminates on the grounds of race, gender, sexuality, domestic circumstances, religious beliefs, political persuasion, social or cross-cultural differences, national or social origin, or other status.

* I work in an open, cooperative and sensitive manner to create an inclusive and positive environment, in which individual experiences, abilities and interests are acknowledged, supported and shared.

* I actively discourage inappropriate behaviour and challenge all forms of discrimination and unfairness when leading a dance session.

* I use appropriate and inclusive language that can be understood by all students/participants, is culturally appropriate and enables individuals to access the dance experience.

* I strive to motivate and inspire participants through the dance activities we undertake.

* I respect and acknowledge the position, experience and expertise of other teachers, Studio 68 London management, team and support staff, and aim to work in a collaborative and cooperative manner.

* I understand that I should act as a positive role model for participants in terms of health, safety, respect and functional efficiency, and that I should not engage in any behaviour that adversely affects the people I work with – Studio 68 London, volunteers, fitness teachers and/or students/ participants.

* I undertake the necessary monitoring, record keeping and reporting around issues of consent and confidentiality.

* I understand that if there is a lockout at Studio 68 London due to performance by an artist my classes might be cancelled. Studio 68 London will give you advance notice of any cancellations. Studio 68 London will not pay for this unless the artist performing makes payment towards this.


As a Choreographer at [STUDIO 68 LONDON], I hereby agree to the following Confidentiality Agreement.

* I understand that I may be given access to confidential and/or proprietary information to the extent necessary in order to perform my duties as a choreographer with [STUDIO 68 LONDON]. I shall not, at any time either during or subsequent to this participation with [STUDIO 68 LONDON], make unauthorized disclosures or unauthorized use of any information that is considered to be proprietary or confidential by [STUDIO 68 LONDON].

* Proprietary information includes, but is not limited to, all information, data, processes, know-how, plans, marketing data and confidential information, whether in written, oral or electronic form.

* Confidential information includes, but is not limited to, any personal information of any [STUDIO 68 LONDON] employee, fitness teacher, volunteer, customers and all members of the public, whether in written, oral or electronic form.

* No [STUDIO 68 LONDON] related information, including without limitation, documents, notes, files, records, oral information, computer files or similar materials except in the ordinary course of performing duties on behalf of [STUDIO 68 LONDON] may be removed from [STUDIO 68 LONDON] premises without permission from [STUDIO 68 LONDON] owner Tamara Kramer.

* Additionally, the contents of [STUDIO 68 LONDON]’s records or information otherwise obtained in regard to business may not be disclosed to anyone, except where required for an authorized business purpose and/or required by law. I will not disclose any confidential information, purposefully or inadvertently (through casual conversation), to any unauthorized person inside or outside [STUDIO 68 LONDON].

* If I am unsure about the confidential nature of specific information, or whether specific information may be protected under the law, I will ask the [STUDIO 68 LONDON] owner Tamara Kramer for clarification before disclosing the information.

* I agree that monetary damages would not be a sufficient remedy for any breach of this agreement by me, and that, in addition to all other remedies, [STUDIO 68 LONDON] shall be entitled to seek (a) specific performance and (b) injunctive or other equitable relief as a remedy for any such breach, and I further agree to waive any requirement for any bond in connection with such remedy.

* When I cease being a choreographer with [STUDIO 68 LONDON], I will return all [STUDIO 68 LONDON] related information and property that I have in my possession, including without limitation documents, files, records, manuals and supplies (uniform).

*Failure to comply with this agreement will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination as a choreographer at [STUDIO 68 LONDON].

* A colour copy of your passport as proof of I.D

* A copy of any home office documents as proof of right to work in the U.K if necessary

* A letter showing proof of Address

* C.V

* DBS Certificate (this allows you to work with under 18's)

* Public Liability insurance

* Full Bank Details

Documents which show ongoing entitlement to work in the UK:

1. A passport showing that you are a British citizen or a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies and have the right of abode in the United Kingdom.

2. Current document or share code provided to you by the Home Office indicating that you have applied for settled or pre-settled status, or that you are permitted to stay in the UK indefinitely.

3. Any other Home Office document proving your right to work in the UK.